Separating Fact From Fiction: 4 Myths About CBD Oil
From peace-loving hippies at Woodstock to the slacker stoners from Dazed and Confused, marijuana carries its fair share of stereotypes steeped in our culture as cannabis is. It’s easy to see how, as the popularity and use of CBD continues to grow, fact and fiction get jumbled up, and myths abound. But don’t fear the reefer. Keep reading to bust 4 of the most common myths surrounding Hemp-based CBD oil.
Myth #1: CBD Oil is the same as marijuana.
False: CBD is the abbreviation for a compound known as Cannabidiol, just one of over 80 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, the most famous of which is THC, the component of marijuana responsible for getting you high. CBD oil can be derived from both varieties of the cannabis plant. Cannabis Sativa, commonly known as hemp, is low in THC and high in CBD, making it the most popular plant in full-spectrum CBD oil production.
Cannabis Indica, or marijuana, perhaps the more well-known of the cannabis family, has a much higher THC concentration and lower concentrations of CBD. Cannabis oil from the Indica plant averages 12% concentration THC. The term “CBD oil” usually refers to the hemp-derived product Full Spectrum CBD oil but the bottom line is, make sure you read the label closely. The rules are different for each product and even vary from state to state.
Myth #2: CBD Oil will get me high.
So in keeping with myth number one, if CBD isn’t the same as marijuana, can I still get high from using it? First, remember that legally CBD oil only contains trace amounts of THC, less .3%, far less than the amount required to experience a physical high.
Here’s a (very) quick primer on how CBD works on the receptors in your brain (versus THC).
Both CBD and THC are phytocannabinoids that work by targeting different receptors in the body and brain. THC activates both the CB1 receptor (linked to the central nervous system) and the CB2 receptor (linked to the immune system), releasing neurotransmitters and triggering a psychoactive effect that we know as getting high.
In contrast, CBD binds to both receptors in a complex and far slower process, creating some of the same physiological effects at a lower intensity, meaning you don’t actually get high. Additionally, CBD has lower toxicity and a shorter half-life (9 hours) than THC. In higher concentrations, CBD can even counteract some of the adverse psychoactive effects.
So no, hemp-derived CBD oil will not get you high. But wait! If it’s not marijuana and it won’t get me high, is it legal to buy it?
Myth #3: CBD oil is illegal.
Fact: Usually, one of the first questions on everyone’s mind is, “Is CBD oil legal?” Honestly, the answer is tricky and varies from state to state, so let’s dive in.
First, there are different rules depending on the source of the CBD oil. (See #1.) Technically, while hemp-derived CBD oil is no longer considered a controlled substance, both the DEA and the FDA classify it as a Schedule 1 Drug. If your purified cannabis oil is processed from a marijuana plant, it is, in fact, illegal at the Federal level. That’s because the DEA federally forbids the actual marijuana plant. However, the good news is that hemp-derived CBD oil is legal at the Federal level as long as the THC is less than .3%.
Where it gets tricky is at the state level.
Restrictions on CBD Hemp Oil:
As of 2020, Idaho is the only state that prohibits all traces of THC. Hemp-based CBD oil with all THC removed is commonly known as Broad Spectrum CBD Oil. While it is federally legal to purchase CBD Oil with trace amounts of CBD (<.3%), making it legal to buy and ship online, you as the consumer are responsible for compliance with state law.
Restrictions on Marijuana-Based Oil:
The following ten states forbid any use of marijuana-based oil (containing more than .3% THC). Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Texas. Since CBD is not a regulated industry, again, it falls on you, the consumer, to research and buy your product from reputable suppliers online (more on that later, I promise.)
Some states allow the medicinal use of marijuana-based oil but may require prescriptions to purchase. These include Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
And for some rarified consumers, these 12 states have legalized CBD oil in all its various forms, available to purchase and consume for both medicinal and recreational purposes: Washington, District of Columbia, Oregon, Alaska, California, Nevada, Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, Vermont, Maine, and Massachusetts. (Source)
The key takeaway here? Do your research. Always double-check the state laws where you reside to ensure compliance.
Also of note, as mentioned above, it is federally legal to purchase and ship CBD Oil with less than .3% THC, making it safe to buy online from reputable suppliers-leading us to the fourth and final myth.
Myth #4: The CBD industry is just looking to make a quick buck/trying to scam me/totally sketchy.
Unfortunately, there are always bad apples in every bunch. Aside from one anti-seizure medication, Epidiolex, the FDA does not regulate CBD oil. Due to loose industry-wide standards and the variation in extraction processes, what you see advertised online isn’t always what you get. One consumer product study comparing 47 different products found that 11% had no CBD at all, and 15% had over 120% of the promised dose.
In some cases, the extraction process used involves petroleum solvents that leave a nasty chemical-based residue in the CBD oil, passing the highly toxic chemicals right to you.
So what is a prospective buyer to do? Skeptics aren’t wrong in questioning what’s being sold, but the good news is that you can take measurable steps to ensure the best quality product. Consider these eight factors when purchasing CBD Oil.
- Supplement Fact panel, including other ingredients. Know exactly what you are consuming. How can you be sure the label is telling the truth?
- Third-party lab testing to ensure the purity and accuracy of the advertised product.
- Amount of active CBD per serving. Different CBD levels have different effects on individuals, so make sure you are choosing the product based on accurate information.
- Manufacturer or distributor name – experience counts here. Companies based in cannabis-friendly states tend to have had more time to perfect the product, from the source plants to the best extraction process.
- Suggested use. The FDA forbids advertising CBD oil products to cure any disease or ailment.
- Full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or isolate. Know what the product is before you buy it! (Learn more about the difference here.)
- Batch or date code.
- Source materials: Organically sourced plants mean no pesky pesticides lingering in your CBD oil, plus sustainable farming practices equals better for the planet too. And chances are if they take that much care in choosing their plants, the same care and concern for quality is applied throughout the whole process.
At Pure Hemp Supply, you can shop confidently from our full line of organically sourced, clearly labeled, and third-party lab-tested CBD products, including a full line of tinctures, topicals, and cosmetics.
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