Crypto News, Insights & Information

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Latest Information & Resources on the Crypto World

8 Steps to Breaking Into the Video Games Industry

Have you ever dreamed about working in the video games industry? If you’re an avid gamer with a passion for technology, this field might be a great fit for you. You’re probably wondering how to earn the qualifications you need, make connections with industry professionals, and land your very first role. And if you’re curious about starting your own business, you can find valuable tips on Blox! Here’s how to master key skills for a career in the video games industry or start your own online business in this niche.
Hot Articles, Information & Resources

The Pros and Cons of Accepting Cryptocurrency as Payment

In the past years, the economy has witnessed a significant shift from using cash to cards and e-wallets as payment. And now, it’s about time for the retail market to rethink providing customers with good payment method options, one of which is cryptocurrencies. However, it’s normal for people in business like you to feel uneasy about this change, especially with the bad rep that crypto often gets.To help you decide, here are some of the pros and cons of accepting cryptocurrency as a payment option.
Free Crypto Information, Articles & Resources

How Can Crypto Help Start-Ups Get Investments?

Cryptocurrencies are changing the way businesses operate. Not only do they provide a secure way to transact business, but they can also be used to raise money for start-ups. This blog post will explore how crypto can help entrepreneurs get the investments they need to get their businesses off the ground.
Free Crypto Information, Articles & Resources

Quantum Money and Bitcoin

In 2015, Google announced that its quantum prototype was 100 million times faster than any other computer in their laboratory, and this was nearly five years ago. In that short time span, we’ve seen a massive explosion in popularity and quantity of cryptocurrencies. It’s been estimated that in order to hack a single a 64digit hexadecimal private key, it would take most modern computers anywhere between 10,000 years to a few billion billion years to crack. Google’s quantum supercomputer could potentially shave that time down to 200 seconds. 
Crypto Holder Information & Resources

Upsetting the Apple Cart: What are Stablecoins?

It's clear that cryptocurrencies are gradually making inroads into the global economy, moving closer to mass adoption. Digital currency offers a number of benefits including promoting trust, and usefulness, lower commissions and fees and of course, the potential for profits. and making transactions easier for users to make at a very low cost. Everyone around the globe can transmit currency nearly anywhere, nearly instantly to nearly anywhere.
Crypto Technology Information & Articles

Seize Your Bits 6: Digital Currency Holders

Everyone who starts down the path of investing in digital currency is faced with many choices. What should I buy? Do I want to sell? Should I mine? Do I want to lend? Should I buy several different coins? Should I hold?
Crypto Technology Information & Articles

Seize Your Bits 3: A Penny a Click

To think that Bitcoin has broken the ten thousand dollar mark per coin is truly an amazing thing to see. The rise of Bitcoin and hundreds of other coins have more people than ever looking for ways to get started in crypto coins but also looking for free bits. There are different methods to earning your first digital coins other than outright using physical cash or credit to purchase them.
Crypto Holder Information & Resources

Who Is The CEO of Bitshares?

This has been a question I've seen and I certainly had at first. The answer in short is "You do." It comes to a shock to people when they learn that Bitshares is completely decentralized. In layman's terms that means it has no one person who is governing it. This is one reason why some people love it and many reasons people hate it. Where there is money to be made, people like to shut the free things down. Throughout this article we will be looking into the ways that Bitshares is able to fund itself, broadcast messages to its members, and the benefits and drawbacks of being a self-governing exchange.
Crypto News, Insights & Information

An Introduction to Mining for Crypto

The rise of Bitcoin has sparked interest in digital currency all over the world. Bitcoin has spurred thousands of different tokens and coins looking to build upon the success of the first 'crypto' coin. There's opportunity for people all over the world to start minting there own digital currency. In this article we look into what mining is, and how you can start getting yours!
Crypto Mining Information & Resources

Understanding the Real Value of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies

Discover where the real value of Bitcoin and other digital currencies comes from. Learn about the factors driving their worth, the role of blockchain technology, and the future potential of cryptocurrencies in the global market.
Crypto News, Insights & Information

Seize Your Bits 4: Understanding & Getting Comfortable with the Digital Currency Market

There are hundreds of different types of digital currency besides Bitcoin. While Bitcoin is the first and oldest digital coin, the many other coins and tokens that have followed in its wake has spawned a market that now rivals the stock market. This market never closes and operates 24/7 and has operated under everyone's nose for years before going mainstream. People unfamiliar with digital currencies are shocked to hear one Bitcoin is worth 14 thousand dollars.
Crypto Holder Information & Resources

Seize Your Bits 2: Bitcoin & Digital Currency Beginner Guide

Getting good information on how to begin with cryptocurrency, shouldn't be hard to find. We've put together a quick start guide to introduce you to digital currency.
Crypto Holder Information & Resources

Bitcoin, Crypto & Digital Currency

Bitcoin is the most commonly known name of cryptocurrency however, people associate that name with all 'digital' currency. There are dozens of different types of digital currency besides Bitcoin. Two other more commonly known coins are Ethereum and Litecoin. These 3 coins, along with the dozens of coins in the digital world all represent a form of technology
Crypto Technology Information & Articles

Seize Your Bits 1: Protect Your Cryptocurrency

The most important part of owning any type of digitalcurrency is security both online and of. When creating your first account, whether through freebit from ourquick-start guide or creating a series of accounts through coinbase, exchangesor online and offline wallets you MUST take internet security seriously.
Crypto Technology Information & Articles

What to Watch Out For When Letting Others Take Control of Your Wallet

You may have opportunities to grow your cryptocurrency through margin trading, lending, and interest. But don't lend without trust.
Security Articles & Information

How Cyptocurrency Faucets Work

Faucets are sites that give typically give out teeny tiny amounts of digital currency or drips. These sites generally have the user enter in their wallet address or sign up to a site like in order for those drips to add up to a specific coin amount is met allowing withdrawal to your wallet.
Airdrop Information, Resources & ICO's

User Security and Responsibility in Cryptocurrency

The main reason cryptography was invented was to secure transactions and make it hard for hackers to interfere with transactions. However, it may be a shock to some that a lot of users still sign up to cryptocurrency accounts with very weak passwords. That is why we have compiled some ways to stay safe when creating your first account.
Security Articles & Information

Bitshares UI Gets a Much Needed Makeover

Bitshares is unlike a lot of other coins in the respect that it is a functioning system today that is usable by the general public. While some other coins and technologies are more behind the scenes and kept to the developers, Bitshares must not only be technically advanced through its blockchain, but also simple to use to the general public. If basic users without knowledge of blockchain are unable to understand the semantics behind the system, they will quickly leave to an exchange that is simple to use.
Crypto Holder Information & Resources

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