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Yes, free. Completely free. This may not be something you're used to on the web but we're offering free article submissions and the ability to get your articles, information and resources in front of more people.
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Free blog submission website, places to submit my blog to

We want to bring the best parts of the web to one place. While giving you an ad free experience

We have a lot of big things coming to Blox, the Professionalist and our companion site Xclusive Collectibles and our goal is to make life on the web simplified.

If you write blog posts and would like to submit your article for consideration we are accepting articles from all genres however we want to clearly establish our guidelines for blog submissions.

Article Submission Guidelines

We love original content. If you have an original article that has never been posted before we'd love to hear from you. Whether your blog is on life, love or your own perspectives, we'd love to share your content with the world.
If you have an article that has been previously published somewhere else, you are required to give us the original link.

We follow strict canonical link standards and ensure your original post gets attributed.

How should I write the blog post?
Visit our article
here for more information on how to write a blog

If you submit a blog with pictures, it MUST be with pictures you own, if you submit your article with pictures we have the right to not submit the pictures due to potential copyright violations.

How do I submit a Blog Post
If you would like to submit a blog post and you're ready to submit,
email us your blog to with title, content, link to post (if already posted elsewhere, and your name(or pen name).

What types of articles do you accept?
Any topic you can think of we have a home for.  Business, collectibles, news, sports, entertainment, we're just getting started in releasing our own content as well but there's no limit to the topics we can post.

If you'd like to have your professional guest blog posts published on other platforms, visit our listings on

No personal, or slanderous attacks
Commentary on businesses or people will be considered, however it is at our discretion whether we post your article.

Do you want to showcase your business?
This year we will have business resources and will be launching the Professional List, which will showcase businesses that have a track record of serving their clients and customers well. To that end, if you would like to submit a business article to feature links to your business. Your article needs to be less of an advertisement, but more of an article giving new perspectives from your profession, the way you're different in your approach or observations as a professional.

Want to earn affiliate income?
We're looking for Crypto airdrop articles & information and will put your affiliate link to airdrops and ICO's if you want to contribute content for ICO, Airdrop & Bounty Posts.

What does Blox get out of this?
With very minimal ads, our goal is to give our professional partners and affiliates exposure to potentially interested parties.  We know that our partners may not fill a niche you need but most of our partners are close friends who own businesses and would love a referral or a linkback.

We also want to promote our new project Xclusive Collectibles

Life on the web, SIMPLIFIED

free blog syndication, free blog marketing, submit a blog article